نوشته شده توسط : fipetglm

This is where Aparna S. Then I had this thought of doing something with those bottles. “My bag used to be full of bottles rather than books. When my focus turned to collecting bottles (kuppi), my friends started calling me akri (scrap collector),” she quips. “In Kozhikode, what people fear is that they won’t get plastic materials for various needs. Then my teachers became customers, then their friends, and fortunately they became popular,” says Aparna. Her works have already created humongous response among the customers and well-wishers.”Aparna received a call from Suchitwa Mission after this programme and she was told that her works were noticed by Assistant Collector. My friends started supporting me once I started making them. My ambition is to become a teacher, while continuing what I am doing now. death of several whales and other creatures. She has a message for people and administrative offices. We put those products on sale in the evening. For someone who was into craft and fabric painting, a shift to terracotta jewellery designing during graduation days was actually a boon. Currently, I’m not taking orders as my exams are nearing.

The amount of waste extracted from their carcass is quite alarming.Posts on social media can be only good for getting likes and shares. Aparna collects bottles and other waste materials dumped in Ashtamudi Lake and other places, does her artistry on them, and sells it on her Facebook page called ‘Quppi’. “I’m associated with Nirbhaya Shelter Home as I used to interact with the children there. It’s surprising that she hasn’t taken any formal training in these fields and affirms work experience is her sole strength. “I noticed that Ashtamudi Lake and other public places were filled with plastic waste.After graduation, she turned into Quppi. For the world to change, the change should begin from us. Though protests are lodged on social media platforms, are we really doing anything to stop these hazards? The answer will be a big blatant ‘No’. during our childhood. Even the people who met me for the first time called me ‘kuppi’.

They have implemented a definite system to collects plastic and upcycle.Pollution is one of the biggest problems faced by earth, which even threatens its existence. I asked them to work on them as they wish after providing paint and other materials. We used to collect materials like feathers, lucky red seeds etc. I wish it is implemented in Kollam as it will provide livelihood to many people, and plastic usage will be reduced significantly at the same time. We collected waste materials for five days and met later at the Kollam Adventure Park.Many find Quppi as a very interesting name. The drive had a decent turnaround and it helped her in bringing her initiative to more people. Same way, I started collecting these waste bottles. She earns a reasonably good amount from Quppi. A small initiative can lead to greater results.She has been inclined to craft making and painting since childhood. Since I give a stylish look to these bottles, I trendily named by brand as Quppi. Every day, social media is flooded with news of plastic pollution and how it’s affecting our flora and fauna. The change should come from us, then only society and government will notice it,” she signs off. They were my initial customers.Ed student from Kollam, is setting an example for the world. “I used to sell terracotta jewellery under the brand name Rudrah.

However, for her, what matters is that her efforts are being recognised by more people. Many messaged saying that I’m doing a good thing to society by upcycling the discarded bottles,” she says., a first year B. Hopefully, we will be back with another programme in May. Our oceans are filled with plastic waste leading to the PETG Film Sleevemaker-GH50 For Steam Tunnels like to conduct more drives, but time also matters.chancingpack. “I had put a poster informing about the drive, urging the interested people to join our initiative.”Future plans? “Nothing planned as of now. I posted pictures of the painted bottles on Facebook and Instagram and got really good response. I wish to teach them craft making and painting, and slowly bring them into my initiative. Be active and do good things for society, people and yourselves, rather than wasting time on electronic gadgets. This even made my books dirty at times

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 153
امتیاز مطلب : 60
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 12
مجموع امتیاز : 12
تاریخ انتشار : سه شنبه 18 آذر 1399 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : fipetglm

“More water filters and necessary arrangements will be done at Mantralaya so as to serve water in a glass for all. It will have to be provided in glass bottles and tetra packs. Most ministers remain in Matralaya for only 5-6 days in a month.Mumbai: In its bid to implement the plastic ban very strictly across the state, the Maharashtra government will include a provision of three to six months’ imprisonment and a hefty fine for offenders, environment minister Ramdas Kadam told The Asian Age on Friday.”The minister also clarified, “We will enforce the law strictly, so we are making punishment of 3-6 months and or fine for repeated offenders. end-of Tags: ramdas kadam, plastic packaging Location.

Mr Kadam also said that he would request all ministers and bureaucrats not to use plastic water bottles. Cold drinks in plastic bottles, water bottles and use of plastic in packaging, including food items will also be banned, Mr Kadam said. Many of them are directly purchasing from markets as well.So now milk in plastic bags will not be allowed.As per figures gathered from canteen sources, 30-40,000 small 250 ml water bottles are purchased from them every month.highsun-machinery.

Mr Kadam said, “The plastic ban has been well implemented in Canada and few other countries as well as in Kerala and Himachal Pradesh in our country. Initially, we will impose a fine, but habitual offenders will be sent behind bars. We will also study and make necessary amendments in the act in the upcoming session. The monthly cost incurred by government toward this is around Rs 3 lakh per month. This bottle is sold for Rs 5 in the market while its price in the canteen is Rs 7.The ban will be imposed after giving people A series of package pouches and film rolls options and a proper time frame by which its use has to be phased out. It will help the environment as well as reduce expenses too,” he said. During the regime of the earlier government, water was served in glasses. So I am sending four teams to study and submit a report in 15 days on the act, rules, various legal provisions, modes of implementation as well as alternative solutions offered

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 139
امتیاز مطلب : 60
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 12
مجموع امتیاز : 12
تاریخ انتشار : چهار شنبه 12 آذر 1399 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : fipetglm

3 million rupees in penalties so far.Bharati Chaturvedi, founder of the Chintan environmental advocacy group in New Delhi, said she feared the plastics industry would use any compliance extensions to try to put off the ban indefinitely.Both officials declined to be named as the talks are not public.Enforcing ComplianceMaharashtraplastic ban includes bags, food containers, spoons, forks, glasses and packaging wraps - which the local plastics industry says could cost it up to 150 billion rupees (USD 2.Since the ban came into force, squads of officials in Mumbai have been raiding shops and restaurants, sometimes accompanied by police, to enforce compliance.Amazon, Flipkart, Pepsi and Coca-Cola did not respond to requests for comment.

"We should really have a hard ban," she said.Nidhi Choudhari, Mumbaideputy municipal commissioner, told Reuters it has collected more than 1.Plastic packaging accounts for nearly half of all plastic waste globally, and much of it is thrown away within just a few minutes of its first use, according to the United Nations.Mumbai: Multinational companies like Amazon Inc and H&M are lobbying to soften a ban against single-use plastic imposed by Maharashtra last week, according to four sources familiar with the matter.

Maharashtramove, the first such broad action against plastic by any state, comes as Prime Minister Narendra Modi pushes a plan to completely end the use of single-use plastic in India by 2022.Beverage makers such as Pepsi and Coca-Cola, meanwhile, want an exemption from the rules as they mandate a buyback of empty bottles at a guaranteed price, which will raise costs, another source familiar with the talks said.Cardboard boxes, for example, could cost nearly a third more than plastic packing, according to industry estimates cited by the Economic Times daily.For online retailers, cost is one of the main issues.Violations could result in penalties of up to Rs 25,000 rupees and jail terms of up to three months.5 per cent of fulfilment costs - the price of shipping, delivery and compensating sellers for discounts - and that the use of biodegradable plastic or other alternatives could push these costs higher. Another official confirmed that issues raised by the industry was being looked into.A senior official told Reuters the government could moderate some aspects of the rule for online retailers as well or give them more time to comply.The Internet and Mobile Association of India, which also counts Amazon and Flipkart as members, said it had asked the state to ease the rules but did not specify what relaxation it was seeking.

"It cannot happen overnight - we&Yisile-P Easy-tear Film Factory39;ve got investments, we've got loans to pay and people to manage. H&M said in a statement that it supported reusing and recycling, adding that the company had asked the government to clarify the rules and for help coming up with solutions.Representatives of companies including Amazon, H&M, Pepsi and Coca-Cola, as well as plastic industry bodies and lobby groups, met with Maharashtra government officials days before the ban came into effect on June 23, urging them to implement the rule in # phases and relax some norms, said the four sources who declined to be named.The ban by Maharashtra could sharply raise costs for companies that rely heavily on plastic for packaging, such as retailers, beverage makers and sellers of bottled water. They would, however, have to ensure buyers return the packaging for recycling.Maharashtraenvironment minister said Wednesday that the government would relax rules for neighbourhood grocery stores allowing them to pack commodities such as rice and pulses in plastic."Our demand to the government is: give the industry seven years to come up with alternatives," said Neemit Punamiya, general secretary of the Plastic Bags Manufacturers Association of India, who attended the meeting.20 billion) a year and nearly 300,000 jobs. end-of Tags: amazon, h&m, plastic ban in maharashtra, narendra modi, flipkart Location: India, Maharashtra, Mumbai (Bombay)."The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, whose members include online retailers such as Amazon India and Flipkart, said in a June 7 letter to the state government that such a ban "will not be without its own share of adverse environmental impacts which are largely driven by issues associated with the use of alternatives".An e-commerce industry source said that packaging charges comprise about 2 per cent to 3

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 146
امتیاز مطلب : 55
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 11
مجموع امتیاز : 11
تاریخ انتشار : چهار شنبه 5 آذر 1399 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : fipetglm

The Reserve Bank for long has been planning to launch plastic currency note after field trials.Replying to another question, Meghwal said it was informed by RBI in December 2015 that they have received some banknotes of Rs 1,000 without having security thread which were printed at Currency Note Press (CNP), Nashik, on paper supplied by Security Paper Mill (SPM), Hoshangabad."Major penalty chargesheet has been issued to the personnel concerned. The process of procurement has been initiated," Minister of State for Finance China printed packaging film Arjun Ram Meghwal said in a written reply in Lok Sabha to a query whether RBI proposes to print plastic currency notes in place of paper ones.

"It has been decided to print banknotes based on plastic or polymer substrate. The selected cities were Kochi, Mysore, Jaipur, Shimla and Bhubaneswar."Additional inspections have been introduced to ensure defect-free production," he said.New Delhi: Government today informed Parliament that a decision has been taken to print plastic currency notes and procurement of material has started. Meghwal further said action has been taken to strengthen quality procedure and online inspection system in manufacturing process and special training has been given to the persons concerned to avoid such types of mistakes in future.

In February 2014, the government had informed Parliament that one billion plastic notes of Rs 10 denomination would be introduced in a field trial in five cities selected for their geographical and climatic diversity.Plastic notes have an average life span of about five years and are difficult to imitate.An enquiry has been initiated by Security Printing and Minting Corporation (SPMCIL) and the units involved (SPM and CNP). Such notes were first introduced in Australia to safeguard against counterfeiting. Also, currency notes made of plastic are cleaner than paper ones. Disciplinary proceedings have been initiated as per departmental rules," the minister said

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 134
امتیاز مطلب : 50
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 10
مجموع امتیاز : 10
تاریخ انتشار : دو شنبه 26 آبان 1399 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : fipetglm

They can be rest assured that nothing that is not vegetarian would have got into the currency lest the battlers against beef in the land are beefed up for another battle. Just imagine what it will do to the environment. This may be due to the fact that gelatine comes from collagen, which is sourced from animal raw materials. If that sounds somewhat quixotic given the shift of political winds, we can mark it as a new mystery of enigmatic Indian processes. Showing a great deal of sensitivity, the Bank of England has promised to get to the bottom of the issue and eliminate the tallow even as the country readies for £20 and £10 notes by 2020. If placed end to end, the notes would go to Mars and come back. One environmentalist concern post-demonetisation of 22 billion high-value notes is about how they are to be disposed of.

Having introduced plastic £5 notes in order to make currency last longer, possibly take on fewer germs and to make life difficult for forgers, the Bank of England is now taking one step back on a bold initiative.This must be a first in the world of currency notes.Everyone, including the blind, knows the colour of money, they say. Would that be laundered money or white money, is subject to interpretation.Right now, Indians are gathering notes from reluctant ATMs and are too busy to wish to know what the new notes are made of. Or, maybe, they simply wanted to change things around as the Americans did to everything British, including driving on the left. But then tallow is common in soap and candles. India would ideally wish to push more people into higher density plastic in the age of credit, debit, loyalty and pay cards in its most ambitious digital revolution than leap into the era of plastic currency. But it’s here in India that we denominate notes as black or white rather than describe them by the pale green and light blue standard of the `100 note. There is another point that the inventor of plastic notes makes and that has to do with hygiene — “It’s more hygienic than a paper note by a long way,” Professor David Solomon says. But the colour that is soon to become popular, at least with future hoarders, will be pink. There is a bit of tallow — a substance that comes from animal fat, either beef or mutton — in the polymer pellets that go into the notes.

“The new STG5 notes contain animal fat in the form of tallow. What else but landfills would suffice as burning the notes would make the whole of Indian air as breathable as that of its capital, now rated the most polluted city in the world end-of Tags: currency notes, bank of england, vegetarians. The reason – vegans and vegetarians objected in numbers enough to cause a bit of brouhaha over the presence of traces of animal fat in the new notes.

If piled up, they would be the equivalent of 300 Mount Everests, according to one estimate. Another advantage for those who tend to forget where they keep their money is that plastic notes can survive the washing machine.Imagine such a problem creeping up in India whose currency notes do not contain much more than paper and ink and no polymers. Of course, that is another point the Australian inventor of plastic notes (the country printed 10 bills as early as in 1988) makes about the new money not destroying the forests for security paper.Cotton paper — sometimes mixed with linen China plastic sleeves manufacturers or other fibres is infused with polyvinyl alcohol instead of water to give it extra strength — is the raw material most used in currency notes. The father of the nation will still be staring out of the `2,000 note, but looking to his left rather than to his right. India does not infuse gelatine in the processing, according to an official who used to work in the printing press in Mysuru. This is unacceptable to millions of vegans, vegetarians, Hindus, Sikhs, Jains in the UK,” a petition signed by over one lakh people stated

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 130
امتیاز مطلب : 51
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 11
مجموع امتیاز : 11
تاریخ انتشار : پنج شنبه 24 مهر 1399 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : fipetglm

Satellite data is provided free from the European Space Agency (ESA) and hours after the overpass targets should be detected from the Sentinel-2 plastic pouches manufacturers satellite."The main advantage is that we are using existing tools," which brings down costs and makes it easier to scale up, says Dimitris Papageorgiou, one of the 60 undergraduate and postgraduate students who worked on the experiment.The project acts as a calibration and validation exercise on the detection capabilities of the satellites. end-of Tags: marine pollution, plastic pollution, global problems.Holding in plastic bags and bottles, four of the 5 metre-by-5-metre (16 foot-by-16-foot) frames is part of an experiment to determine if seaborne litter can be detected with EU satellites and drones.

 Millions of tonnes of plastic end up in the oceans, affecting marine wildlife all along the food chain. But even if relatively small patches of plastic garbage can be spotted from orbiting satellites, the problem of how to remove it from the sea remains."Marine litter is a global problem that affects all the oceans of the world," Topouzelis told AFP. "All the targets were carried into the sea, the satellites passed by and we're ready to fill out the first report.To prepare, the team gathered some 2,000 plastic bottles and lashed them to the frames.In 2018, a first phase in the experiment was able to detect large targets of around 100 square metres from space."We knew that the European satellite system passes at regular intervals with a spatial resolution of 10 metres."This was the first big day," says project supervisor Konstantinos Topuzelis, an assistant professor at the University of the Aegean Department of Marine Sciences, said of the scene from last week.Washington: Knee-deep in the water on a picture-postcard Lesbos island beach, a team of Greek university students gently deposits a wall-sized PVC frame on the surface before divers moor it at sea.Last year, a giant floating barrier five years in the making was launched off the coast of San Francisco, as part of a 20-million project to clean up a swirling island of rubbish between California and Hawaii. This yearexperiment uses targets a quarter that size to test the smallest detectable area under various weather conditions." In theory, then, the satellites should be able to detect the floating rafts of plastic the team pushed out to sea. Other targets were crafted with plastic bags, as these are even harder to spot in the water and usually constitute the deadliest threat to Aegean marine life such as dolphins, turtles and seals.

"Modern techniques are necessary to detect and quantify marine plastics in seawater," Topouzelis added, noting that space agencies have already been looking into how drones and satellites can help with the clean-up. "It was a crazy idea," laughs Topouzelis.The University of the Aegean is working on the project with Universidad de Cadiz in Spain, CNR-Ismar in Italy and UK environmental consultants Argans Ltd.But the slow speed of the solar-powered barrier prevents it from holding onto the plastic after it scoops it up."The results of the experiment, "Satellite Testing and Drone Mapping for Marine Plastics on the Aegean Sea", by the universityMarine Remote Sensing Group will be presented at a European Space Agency symposium in Milan in May

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 113
امتیاز مطلب : 50
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 10
مجموع امتیاز : 10
تاریخ انتشار : شنبه 19 مهر 1399 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : fipetglm

We are generating the list from each ward, so that shopkeepers can access information in a click,” said Nidhi Chaudhari, deputy municipal commissioner, working on the planning process of implementation of plastic ban in the city. As such we will be releasing the list of manufacturers, who could supply cloth bags, paper bags, jute bags and even biodegradable plastic bags. “At some instances, it has been found that even the segregated waste collected from societies is dumped at the landfill sites by the cleaning workers.Mumbai: Shopkeepers in the city are facing a challenge in finding alternative carry bags following the plastic ban.What is banned

Products manufactured from plastic and thermocol (polystyrene) like disposable dish or bowl, cups, plates, glasses, fork, spoons, containers, straw, non-woven polypropene bags, pouches, all of which are commonly used for packaging food items including liquids and food grains.Following the state government’s notification to the municipal corporations last Friday, in which it directed local bodies to come up with implementation plans for the plastic ban and for disposing the existing stock of ban items, the BMC has decided to install collection points in market areas of all wards, including the BMC markets.

“The full list of the sites will be finalised this week, however we have zeroed in on famous market places like Crawford, Colaba, the Linking Road, Chembur, Mulund and Borivali market among others.“We have been communicated that the shopkeepers are facing the problem of alternatives to plastic bags. In its bid to help shopkeepers, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) will be uploading a list of manufacturers of paper bags, jute bags and biodegradable plastic for each ward. BMC officials stated that within two days, around 100 manufacturers of alternative bags have approached them and the civic body is expecting more manufacturers in the coming week. end-of Tags: bmc, paper bags, jute bags. We will also be conducting awareness drives in these areas.

BMC officials stated that it was also giving shopkeepers a month’s time for getting rid of all the banned items, after which it will start checking the shops and markets. As such, it is important that there should be a strict and proper disposal of the plastic items collected. The civic bodies should also make the recycling plans public so that NGOs or other organisations who are working on the waste recycling could come forward and contact them,” said Rohit Joshi, a Thane based activist. As such, there will be at least one collection point in each ward,” added Ms Chaudhari.What is not bannedPlastic material used for packaging medicines and drugs have been exempted from this ban. Plastic bags for packaging milk, bags of thickness less than 50 microns have been permitted to remain in use.Meanwhile activists have highlighted concerns over the recycling process post the disposal of China easy peel lidding film existing stock by shopkeepers and customers

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 113
امتیاز مطلب : 50
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 10
مجموع امتیاز : 10
تاریخ انتشار : دو شنبه 7 مهر 1399 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : fipetglm
با سلام.به دنیای لوکس بلاگ و وبلاگ جدید خود خوش آمدید.هم اکنون میتوانید از امکانات شگفت انگیز لوکس بلاگ استفاده نمایید و مطالب خود را ارسال نمایید.شما میتوانید قالب و محیط وبلاگ خود را از مدیریت وبلاگ تغییر دهید.با فعالیت در لوکس بلاگ هر روز منتظر مسابقات مختلف و جوایز ویژه باشید.
در صورت نیاز به راهنمایی و پشتیبانی از قسمت مدیریت با ما در ارتباط باشید.برای حفظ زیبابی وبلاگ خود میتوانید این پیام را حذف نمایید.جهت حذف این مطلب وارد مدیریت وب خود شوید و از قسمت ویرایش مطالب قبلی ،مطلبی با عنوان به وبلاگ خود خوش امدید را حذف نمایید.امیدواریم لحظات خوبی را در لوکس بلاگ سپری نمایید...

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 101
امتیاز مطلب : 50
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 10
مجموع امتیاز : 10
تاریخ انتشار : 0 0 | نظرات ()

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